The Best Tips For Packing Your Self-Storage Unit

No matter how big or small your self-storage unit is, packing it efficiently will save you time and money. You've suddenly got some space to work with, but that does not mean you should be inefficient with the space.

If you are uncertain about packing your self-storage unit, these tips will help you pack efficiently and ensure that you are getting the most out of your rental.

Make a List Before You Move Anything In

Making a list helps you determine the size of the unit you need. It also helps you determine the types of storage containers you may need and how many you can comfortably stack in your rental unit.

Label or Color Code All of Your Boxes

You'll be surprised how quickly you forget what is in each box. Label each box with the contents and the room it needs to go in—or use a specific color-coding system so that you can easily determine where items go based on the color of the container. This also helps you transport and store items so that they are easiest to reach.

Use the Right Storage Containers

There are a variety of storage containers available on the market. Some are better than others for different items. If you need to store something that is valuable or fragile, consider using a container that is weatherproof and has a locking lid.

Pack Heavy Items on the Bottom

When stacking boxes, always put the heavier boxes on the bottom. This will help prevent your boxes from toppling over and breaking. You might even decide to keep heavier items near the back of the storage unit.

Take Advantage of Vertical Space

Most people forget about the vertical space in their storage unit. You can make use of this space by using shelves or stacking boxes on top of each other. This will help you make the most of your rental space and keep your belongings organized.

Tour Rental Units Ahead of Time

When you are looking for a self-storage unit, take the time to tour a few different units. This will give you a better idea of the size and layout of the unit. It will also help you determine if the unit has any features that you may need, such as electricity or climate control.

If you are ready to tour storage facilities, check out your local storage company such as Oak Storage. You can get a tour of the facilities so that you can determine which option will work best for you.
