Selling Your Home Without Professional Help? Rent A Storage Unit To Help With Staging

As a homeowner, you have an opportunity to hire a real estate professional when you are interested in selling the property. However, while you may want to sell your house, you may want to handle the entire process on your own so that you can get a larger percentage of the sale.

This means that you will need to handle many important aspects such as staging the home, taking photos, writing up listings, and managing tours for any home buyers who are interested. Renting a storage unit is an excellent idea because it can help you prepare for the home selling process.

Personal Items

Do not underestimate the importance of removing personal items that you have on display. The best thing that you can do is make it easy for a buyer to look around the home and think of their kids and pets roaming around the house. Also, they may want to look at the tables, desks, bookshelves, and framed art in each room and envision their own family in all the photos.

This is something that you will have an easier time accomplishing when the photos are attractive landscape or cityscape shots without anything personal attached to them. So, you can make it a priority to put personal photos and items into storage and replace them with neutral displays.


Even though you may like the furniture setup in your home, you should try to put yourself into a potential buyer's shoes to determine whether the furniture should be changed. An excellent goal is to keep any room from feeling cluttered, which may be tough to handle on your own because you may have grown accustomed to having a lot of furniture in certain rooms of the house.

A great idea is to look at magazines and online blogs of homes on display to figure out whether there is too much furniture in a single room in which you can put some pieces into storage.


The kitchen is a room that will likely be looked at thoroughly because most home buyers want to make sure they will have an enjoyable time cooking in the kitchen. If your kitchen countertops have more than a few small appliances on display for easy access, you should put some away.

When you do not have enough room in your kitchen cabinets to store most appliances, you should not hesitate to go without certain appliances while selling your home. Renting a nearby storage unit will allow you to access these small appliances in a few minutes if you need them.

If you decide to sell your home on your own, you should consider relying on a storage unit to help you prepare for this demanding process. For more information, reach out to self storage services in your area.
